Weekly Newsletter

Hi everyone,

Welcome to Spring weather, and what a week it has been, culminating with the course being closed on Sunday.

Results from this week:

Tuesday:                         Monkeys Mob of 16     John Price  40 pts,  Doug Lawson  37, 

Barrie Stammers 35

Thursday:                       Vets travelled to Waitakere for their annual visit

Pete’s Haggle for those remaining:  

Graham Branton 37 from Jason Wilson also 37, Kerry Harris and Dave Mackie 35.

Ladies 18 holes:            Judy York 39, from Judy Burrows 39, Frances Nixon 36

CTP:   Carol Bates, and Lyn Schott had a “2 “on 8.

Ladies 9 holers:             Sue Baldwin 37 net

Vets 9 holers:                 Heather Jones 21 pts,  Christine Telfer 16

Saturday;                        Ladies:  only 2 ladies out today with Lyn Batchelor and Chrissie Mackie
playing their semi final match.

Men:    Alan Hickey  39,   Geoff Pacey  38,  Ray Canavan 35

This week:                     Tuesday:           11.00    Monkeys Mob

                                           Thursday:         10.30    Ladies Net

                                                                        11.00    Vets

                                                                        11.45    Ladies 9 holers

                                           Saturday:          9.00      Club Championships commence.

Come along and support the contestants in this year’s event on Saturday.  Let’s hope this weather clears before then.

Wishing our members who have had a few health issues to deal with a speedy recovery and we hope to see you all back on the course soon.

That’s all for now
