
Visitors are welcome to join in with club play for the following weekly events – just make yourself known to the organiser

The stated times for weekdays are for Tee-off, please report 30 min in advance

Women’s 18 hole 10:30 am

Vet’s 18 hole 11:00 am
Women’s 9 hole 12:00 noon

Men’s & Women’s 18 hole:
Sept-May 12 noon tee off, report at 11:30 am; June – August 11:30 tee off, report at 11 am.

9 hole 1:00 pm

Social 9 hole: 9:30 am.
Men’s 18 hole:
Sept-May 12 noon tee off, report at 11:30 am; June – August 11:30 tee off, report at 11 am.

To view, download or print the full programme, click the link below:

FUll programme 2024 – 2025